MVP Tech Blog

Customization and Scalability: Two Essential Qualities of Modern Physical Security Platforms for Your Educational Institution

Written by Ahed Emad | Aug 30, 2023 7:24:02 AM

Why campuses must adopt customizable and scalable security platforms for their unique security needs and challenges?

All educational institutions aim to be bastions of learning, ideas, and knowledge. But this is pretty much the only common factor between them. Most differ from each other in many ways: size, complexity, geographical factors, and student demographics.
Your school or university campus also likely differs from its peers in all these ways. It may also differ in terms of its security risks and needs. That’s why you need a tailored security infrastructure that adapts to your distinct threat landscape and provides high levels of protection for your facilities, staff, and students. The infrastructure must also be future-proof so it can keep up with any new security challenges that may affect your institution in the days to come.
A modern physical security platform provides the most efficient, scalable, and cost-effective way to set up a customizable, scalable security infrastructure. If you need a secure campus where everyone feels safe and enjoys peace of mind – a physical security platform is not just a nice-to-have, but a need-to-have.

Physical Security Platforms for Your Campus: Key Aspects to Look Out For

Your campus may be small and uncomplicated or large and complex. Regardless, you should be able to see the entire environment. This visibility is essential to understand if there are any security risks on campus that need to be addressed on priority. So, when selecting a physical security platform, make sure that it provides both 360-degree visibility and a “full picture” understanding of your entire campus.

Also, look for a platform that can be easily customized for your unique threat environment and distinct security challenges. This customization is essential for two reasons. One, to find the vulnerabilities unique to your specific institution, and two, to help you implement the right measures to address them appropriately and directly.

Thirdly, the platform should offer integration ease. You may have implemented smoke, intrusion, and gunshot technologies on your campus. You may also have IoT alarms, access control systems, video surveillance, incident response SOPs, and parking management systems to secure the various areas of the physical environment. But if these systems cannot communicate with each other, then they cannot provide proactive, all-round security. That’s why you should implement a platform that offers an open architecture plus seamless integration with all the tools, sensors, and data in your security environment. Plus, make sure that it allows you to add new security and business tools to further strengthen your security framework and provide more comprehensive campus security without sacrificing current investments.

Another feature that sets apart the best security platforms from the more mediocre ones is configurable alert systems. Once set up, the platform will ensure that all stakeholders, such as security staff and management, receive real-time alerts about threats and incidents. Moreover, each alert can be tailored to each person’s role and responsibilities, reducing the operational burden for others and speeding up response times by the right people.

Choose a Platform that Grows With Your Institution and Adapts to its Security Challenges

Modern educational institutions are constantly evolving, constantly adopting more buildings, facilities, and people than they did in the past. If your school or university is one of these dynamic entities, the functional security systems of a decade ago will no longer suffice for its city-like complexity and its changing security challenges.

An evolving campus needs a physical security platform that can continuously provide a full picture of the environment, no matter how large or complex it becomes. The platform must also unify all the elements in the security infrastructure – cameras, sensors, devices, access points, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) systems, and more – in an intuitive, centralized manner. Further, it should allow security teams to add or update any of these elements to the infrastructure, without overhauling it or making excessive capital expenditures.

Finally, a truly future-proof security platform should support adaptive analytics. As your campus grows, its threat environment may change. Regardless, you should have the benefit of powerful data gathering, analytics, and insight-generation capabilities that ensure that you never lose focus of new and emerging threats and can maintain uncompromising security in every part of the campus.

MVP Tech and Genetec: Embracing the Future and Creating More Secure Campuses

Truly robust campus security requires unified physical security platforms that can anticipate, adapt to, and safeguard against ever-evolving threats. Platforms that offer a unified approach make it easy for security teams to manage threats, enforce policies, prioritize interventions, and ultimately, create a safer campus where everyone can thrive and succeed.

If you are looking for a customizable campus security platform that provides seamless control over all operations and can easily scale for an evolving campus, MVP Tech – Convergint MEA can help. We have pooled our expertise with Genetec, a company that’s leading the way with physical security solutions for educational settings.

Together, MVP Tech and Genetec are not just technology providers, but partners that can secure the future of your campus.

To know more about our offerings and how we can help strengthen your campus security, watch our webinar on “ Future Proofing Campus Security”